Monthly Archives: March 2013

Reminder: Project Brief

Just a quick reminder that if you have not posted a PDF of your mid-term project brief, please do so ASAP. Again, this is your mid-term grade and counts for 10% of your total average for the class. That is an entire letter grade!

I hope that everyone is enjoying the week off (from classes at least). See you next week.

Sammy Li 3/22

Print Production project
Client: Sammy Li
Project Title: Too Real!
Concept: 3D Street Art Photography

Aesthetic Summary: 3D Street Art is 2-dimensional artwork drawn on the street itself that gives you a 3-dimensional optical illusion from a certain perspective. It is very breathtaking, fun and creative. Once you see it, it is hard to forget.

Art: 3D Street Art
Copy: There will be text describing the design
Color Scheme: Chalk and 3D Art

Typefaces: Gotham, used to state the artist name and art name
Layout Notes: Will be like a photography book
Visual References: photography books

Dimensions: 5:5
Page Count: 16
Substrate (be specific about paper type and quality):
Binding: Spiral horizontal
Print Run: 200
Printing facility: Best Type
Budget: $20-$40
Timeline: 2 months


Homework for April 5

Everyone has done great work so far, and I’m sure you’re looking forward to a week without classes. I’m sorry to say it, but there is a little bit of work to do during this time. But hopefully it will be work that you enjoy doing!

The most important part of your assignment for next class is to continue working on your second project. In your work session you should have established goals and priorities for each member of your group. You should use this time to accomplish the tasks for which you are responsible. The quality of your final output will largely depend on what you complete in this time.

The second part of your assignment for next week is to provide an update on your project. Talk about the overall concept that your group has developed, along with artwork, copy, and design strategies. Mention any images, books or websites that are serving as influences. Also talk about the responsibilities that each member of your group is taking on. Talk about the things that you will need to complete for next week for this project to be successful.

Post your update to the blog as per usual. And yes (as per usual) everyone is responsible for posting this update individually.

Design Brief Homework March 22

Basketball by Quinique Dozier


Client: Adidas Basketball

Project Title: Are You Ready?

Concept: Different positions with the basketball in hand in a gymnasium background

Aesthetic Summary: Black and white pictures of a person or item of basketball showing off the fundamentals of basketball

Art: Basketball commercial

Copy: I’m ready are you? I will put text based on the mood of each picture

Color Scheme: I would like to do this book in black and white to resemble studio type shots, but I may go with a sepia color to give it a day break feel.

Typefaces: Sharp or bold text

Visual References: One image per page showing a form of basketball

Dimensions: 7×5

Page Count: 10

Substrate (be specific about paper type and quality): Semi glossy

Binding: Yes

Print Run: Inkjet or laser

Printing facility: Remsen

Budget: $200
